And make a great deal of money, of course. Without Sparda to protect them, Eva is soon murdered, Vergil becomes an Anti-Villain obsessed with power, and Dante decides to work as a demon-hunting sword-for-hire so he can find the demons responsible for tearing apart his family and give them their just desserts. However, Sparda eventually died, leaving behind a human wife named Eva and two halfbreed twins named Dante and Vergil. Thousands of years ago, Sparda sealed away his fellow demons and freed the human world from their control. Taking place in the modern day, the games revolve around Dante, the Anti-Hero Half-Human Hybrid Demon Slaying son of an Ascended Demon named Sparda. Originally intended to be the fourth installment in Capcom's Resident Evil series, Devil May Cry has been noted as the Trope Codifier for modern 3D Hack and Slash Stylish Action games. Devil May Cry is a Stylish Action Hack and Slash Video Game Franchise created by Hideki Kamiya, and developed and published by Capcom in 2001.