I have the base game installed via disc, but all of the expansions I have are pirated because I'm way broke.

I'd try torrenting and just buy it if you find yourself having problems with it. I may have just gotten a bad torrent, but buying them has saved me some grief since.Except for the fact that I bought them all on Steam and recently was forced to redownload everything on Origin in order to install some expansions I bought at Target.All in all, the sims is generally a pain in this way. I actually had issues with the game glitching, it would delete my people randomly.This happened maybe 3 times before I got fed up. I had them all pirated for a while, but eventually I just went crazy on a steam sale to cut out the hassle.

You'll need a program like alcohol or magiciso to mount the cd image on a virtual drive. It's a lot less hassle.As far as downloading the torrent, you download it like any other. This is better because next time you want to update it with a patch or a new expansion pack oyu don't need to put the old.exe back (because the installer will look for it because it needs to replace the file typically to install the update). It'll promt you for a key, you use the key gen included in the torrent to activate a key.Īfter that typically you have to replace the main program file.exe with a cracked version, often it's just a programming change that disables the normal drm like requiring you to have a cd in it.With the sims I recommend installing the torrented files normally but not installing the cracked.exe and instead use the nocd mod. Well typically what you are downloading is just an image file of the original disk, you install it normally. Here it is:That's the one I used and I had no problems.